WhatsApp via Twilio

The world’s most popular messenger app is now a part of Kommo! Here is a brief guide on how to integrate WhatsApp for Business allowing you to capture leads and have WhatsApp conversations directly from Kommo.

Note: This integration is supported through Twilio as WhatsApp has provided access to its API only to a limited list of intermediaries. Twilio is one of them, and this integration enables you to use WhatsApp in the most convenient way with Kommo.

How to integrate WhatsApp via Twillio

Let’s get started and set up WhatsApp widget step by step!

Step 1: Create a Twilio account

create a twilio account

Step 2: In the Twilio dashboard select – Programmable SMS

Twilio's dashboard

Select WhatsApp 🡪 Senders. Click on “Sign up to receive Updates”

Signing up for whatsapp via twilio

Step 3: Fill out the Twilio request for a WhatsApp number.

Note: Once you have filled out the request you might have to wait up to 2 weeks in order to have it approved. Facebook Business Verification is also required.

Enabling numbers for whatsapp on twilio

Once approved, your phone number will be visible in the sender's section.

Approved numbers for whatsapp on twilio

Step 4: Install the “WhatsApp via Twilio” integration in your Kommo account.

Adding whatsapp to amocrm

Copy the Account SID and AUTH Token from your Twilio Account Dashboard and add them to Kommo. Add your WhatsApp approved number and click save.

copy account sid token

Step 5: Copy the Messaging endpoint link and paste it in your Twilio account, WhatsApp 🡪 Senders 🡪 Configure. Once you added the link in both fields, click on Configure.

Go back to Kommo and click on Save.

copy account sid token

configuring whatsapp number

Add the integration as a Lead Source in the Settings of your Digital Pipeline. Click on Add Source, and then Add the WhatsApp widget. You will see the icon appear in the added sources.


whatsapp widget in amocrm

You have now successfully installed the WhatsApp integration for Kommo!

How to use WhatsApp with Kommo

Using WhatsApp for business is next gen when it comes to customer engagement: you can connect with leads and customers ultra-fast, cut through the formalities for better rapport and give your clients the convenience of contacting you on their terms.

The newly connected WhatsApp widget is now a source of new leads that will automatically show up in your pipeline under the Incoming Leads stage. Here is an example of an incoming lead through WhatsApp integration.

whatsapp widget in amocrm

To answer the lead’s message:

  1. Open the lead card
  2. Choose Chat in the message box, and choose the contact’s name
  3. Enter your message or choose a template
popular messengers worldwide

  1. Press Send

In order to make the most out of it, make sure to read Twilio’s rules, fees and limitations in regards to WhatsApp numbers.

With WhatsApp via Twilio, you can do way more than simply send regular text messages. Make use of several types of media to enrich your messaging experience, such as images, videos and PDF files.

The supported formats include:

  • MP4, HEIC
  • .vcf

Please be aware that WhatsApp imposes limits on the size of messages and images. Keep your messages under 16 MB and images under 5 MB to ensure they go through smoothly.

WhatsApp via Twillio also enables you to add fun and engaging stickers to your chats. But remember, they must have a transparent background to look their best. Make sure they are exactly 512x512 pixels and not exceeding 100 KB.

Please note that animated stickers, unfortunately, won't function, but you can still use static ones.

When sending stickers, you cannot include a message body. The stickers are going to do all the talking, so any text you add will be ignored.

Need more help in setting up or troubleshooting? Contact us by sending an email to support@kommo.com or write to us on Facebook.

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