WhatsApp via Gupshup

WhatsApp via Gupshup integration is no longer supported by Kommo. Here's what you need to know:

  • Your current integration will continue to work as usual.
  • The Kommo development team no longer addresses bugs or issues related to the Gupshup integration. Our technical support will not assist with this integration either.

To ensure uninterrupted service and continued support from our team, we invite you to migrate to our WhatsApp Cloud API integration. Learn more in this article.

Gupshup is a messaging and app development platform that enables businesses and developers to build and deploy chatbots across various messaging channels, such as WhatsApp.

Our integration with WhatsApp for Business through Gupshup facilitates seamless lead capture and directs WhatsApp conversations in Kommo. This brief guide on integrating WhatsApp for Business allows you to capture leads and have WhatsApp conversations directly in Kommo.

Note: This integration is supported through Gupshup as WhatsApp has only provided access to its API to a limited list of intermediaries, including Gupshup.

How to integrate WhatsApp via Gupshup

Let’s set up your Gupshup integration step by step!

Step 1: Create a Gupshup account

Step 2: In the Gupshup dashboard select – Create your first app. Gupshup will automatically choose the Access API type of app for you.

Step 3: Choose a name for your WhatsApp messaging app and click Submit.

After submitting a name, click Go to Dashboard. Next, click Go Live and fill out all the necessary information, including selecting region for data storage, name, email, phone number, and creating a Whatsapp Business Account.

Step 4: Choose a phone number you want to be associated with your Whatsapp Business Account (WABA).

Step 5: Select your preferred onboarding method.

Note: Opting for the Facebook Embed method involves logging into your Facebook Business Account only. If you do it, Gupshup will transfer all the necessary data from your Facebook Business account. The Gupshup onboarding method will require manual input of that same information.

Step 6: Read the following checklist and prepare everything needed before clicking I’m ready.

Follow all steps and complete verification.

Step 7: Once your app goes live you need to install the “WhatsApp via Gupshup” integration in your Kommo account. Go to Settings > Integrations > WhatsApp via Gupshup. Then, click Install and accept the privacy settings.

Step 8: Copy your API key from your Gupshup Account Dashboard.

Paste the key to Kommo. Add your app's name and the phone number you have chosen earlier. Click Connect and copy the callback URL.

Step 9. Open your Gupshup app. Go to Webhooks and turn the Callback URL toggle on. Paste your URL and click Set.

Step 10. Add the integration as a Lead Source in your Digital Pipeline setup. Click on Add Source and select the WhatsApp widget. You will see the icon appear in the added sources.

Now you have successfully installed WhatsApp integration for Kommo! Learn more about Whatsapp via Gupshup templates in this article.

Need more help setting up or troubleshooting? Contact us by sending an email to support@kommo.com or write to us via WhatsApp. You can also hire a Kommo partner to do all the hard work for you.

Not a user yet? Sign up for our free 14-day trial or book a free live demo to see it in action!

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