How to connect to WhatsApp Cloud API from different integrations or providers outside Kommo

Kommo has introduced WhatsApp Cloud API (WACA) as the latest solution for WhatsApp integration. If you have been using different providers or other Kommo integrations, it’s time to transition to WACA.

To make the transition easier, Kommo offers a source merging feature. This feature allows you to reset your number's source in the CRM from a previous integration to the WhatsApp Cloud API, keeping all relevant information organized and streamlining the integration process. Currently, this feature is available only for WhatsApp for Business (WABA) users, but support for WhatsApp via Twilio and WhatsApp via Gupshup is coming soon. Please note that WABA integration will eventually be discontinued.

Note: For details on connecting to WhatsApp Cloud API using a new number or one previously connected to WhatsApp Lite or regular WhatsApp, read our article on How to connect to WhatsApp Cloud API.

In this article, you’ll learn about:

What is number migration in WhatsApp?

Number migration is the process of transferring your existing WhatsApp number from one provider to another, or from a different Kommo integration. For example, you might want to move your number from WhatsApp for Business (WABA) to the WhatsApp Cloud API.

During the migration process, your number is transferred from the WhatsApp Business Account associated with your current provider to the WhatsApp Business Account associated with Kommo.

To use a number that was linked to another integration or provider, you must migrate it. There are two types of number migration:

Automatic migration

Automatic migration allows Meta to transfer your number to the WhatsApp account linked to Kommo without any action needed on your part. Your number will be automatically disconnected from the previous provider's account, and you'll receive a notification about the migration during the connection process.

After setting up in Meta, you only need to set up a payment method for the new WhatsApp account in Meta Business Suite. If the account doesn't have a payment method set, you will encounter an error.

Criteria for automatic migration

To qualify for automatic migration from Meta, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. The Meta Business Account must have a verified status.
  2. The existing WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) must have an ‘Approved’ status.
  3. The existing WABA must have a valid payment method attached in the Payment Settings.
  4. Two-step verification must be disabled for the phone number. You can disable it using WhatsApp Manager or ask your solution provider for assistance.

What data will be migrated?

When you migrate, the following data will be transferred:

  1. Display name
  2. Quality ratings
  3. Template messaging limits
  4. Official Business Account status
  5. Approved, high-quality templates

Manual migration

If you don't meet the criteria for automatic migration, you will need to manually migrate your phone number. Here’s how:

  1. Delete it from your previous provider: Before starting the connection process to WACA, the phone number must be deleted from the WhatsApp account associated with the previous provider in Meta WhatsApp Manager. Contact your current provider’s support team for assistance.
  2. Self-deletion: If you want to speed up the process, you can delete your number yourself in Meta WhatsApp Manager. However, we recommend informing your current provider's support team so they can remove the number from their system as well.

Note: You cannot delete a number if it has sent paid messages in the last 30 days due to Meta regulations.

If you’re using WhatsApp Business API integration, our support team can help you disconnect your number from Gupshup and delete it from Meta. Simply go to your Kommo account > Chats > Mentions & Team Chats > and click on Chat with Support.

Migrating from WhatsApp Business API (WABA) integration

When migrating from WABA to WhatsApp Cloud API, Kommo provides a source merging feature to maintain continuity. This feature allows you to continue existing chats, transfer templates, and automatically reset automations. However, if you opt to not use the source merging feature, you will have to manually configure these settings. This may lead to issues like duplicate chats and the loss of previously created templates.

Note: If you are migrating from WABA, you don't need to worry about any remaining balance on your WABA account — you can request a refund by contacting our support team.

To start connecting to WhatsApp Cloud API using a number that has been used in Kommo WhatsApp Business Platform integration before, you need to:

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations > find the WhatsApp Cloud API widget.

  1. Before starting the connection process, you will be asked if you have used the number before. Click Yes, with Kommo WhatsApp integration > Next.

  1. You’ll be asked which Kommo integration you used. Choose WhatsApp Business API > Next.

  1. Begin the connection process to WhatsApp Cloud API, by clicking Continue with Facebook and follow the instructions.

  1. Login with your personal Facebook account and click Get Started.

  1. Select an already existing business portfolio or create one, then click Next.

  1. Сreate or select an existing WhatsApp Business Account and Profile, then click Next.

Note: You are not able to select the WhatsApp Business Account associated with your previous provider, you can create a new Account or choose the Account associated with Kommo, if you already have one.

  1. Fill in WhatsApp Business profile information > click Next.

  1. Enter your phone number and choose how you would like to verify it (Text message or Phone call), then click Next.

  1. Enter the verification code you have received > Next.

  1. Click Finish.

Note: After completing the auto migration process in the Facebook modals, you need to set up a payment method for your new WhatsApp account in Meta Business Suite. If a payment method isn’t set, you’ll encounter an error when trying to connect your WhatsApp number to Kommo. For detailed instructions on how to set up a payment method, refer to Meta’s guide on payment setup.

  1. After connecting on Facebook, Kommo will offer you to merge data from previous integrations to WACA. If the number was used in WABA, it will appear in the second selector with a note about the old integration. To merge the data, choose the number. If you don't want to merge, select Don't merge > Continue.

  1. If you choose to merge, a modal window will confirm that your number has been successfully connected to the integration and that the source merging process has started:

  1. The process will take around 10-15 minutes, and you'll see the status next to your phone number. You will be notified when the process is finished.

The status will then be changed to Connected.

  1. If the source merging fails, we'll display an information bubble to notify you. The number will be available for use and marked as “Connected” in the table, but source merging benefits like preventing duplications and resetting sources in automations won't apply. If you want to complete the source merging, please contact support for assistance.

Benefits of source merging

Using the source merging feature offers several advantages:

  • No duplicates: Prevents chat and lead duplication when contacting leads that you’ve communicated with through older WhatsApp integrations.
  • Template continuity: Previously created templates can still be used with WhatsApp Cloud API.
  • Automation reset: Bot and trigger automations are reset automatically.
  • Updated source information: Source information is updated in lead cards, filter presets, chat buttons, web forms, and widgets in the dashboard for WhatsApp Cloud API if they were set for the migrated number.

If you decide NOT to use the source merging feature, you can encounter several issues:

  • Duplicates: Chat and lead duplications will occur when contacting existing leads.
  • Template loss: Previously created templates cannot be used and will need to be recreated.
  • Manual configurations: Bot and trigger automations will not reset automatically and will need to be configured manually.
  • Unchanged source: The source will not be updated in other places where it can be implemented.

Limitations of source merging

There are some limitations to the source merging process. During this process:

  • Temporary message unavailability: Incoming and outgoing messages will be temporarily unavailable while the source merging process takes place. They will be stored and resent/delivered once the process is completed.

Template migration

Template migration is available only to users who choose to migrate using the source merging feature. This process allows you to continue using the templates you previously created within the WhatsApp Cloud API (WACA).

Template migration in case of automatic number migration by Meta

Meta will automatically duplicate your existing templates in the Meta WhatsApp Manager for the connected WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) when a number is reconnected. These duplicated templates will retain the same quality ratings and statuses as the original versions. For more information, read the Meta article on auto migration.


  • Only templates with both an Approved status and a Green (high-quality) quality score are eligible for migration.
  • The quality ratings of the templates will not be migrated. All migrated templates will start with an unknown rating, which will persist for the first 24 hours. After that period, a new rating will be generated if there is sufficient data.

Kommo ensures that all the templates you created will be available for use with the WhatsApp Cloud API after migration.

Template migration in case of manual number migration

If you are performing a manual migration, Meta will not automatically transfer the templates. Instead, Kommo will handle the migration for you. When Kommo sends your stored templates to Meta, they will appear in Meta's WhatsApp Manager for the connected WABA.

Since these templates are new to Meta, they need to be reviewed by Meta. This review process can take some time, so there might be a delay before you can use these templates again. During the review, the template's status in the Chat templates table will change from Approved to In-review. If you try to send a template while it is still under review, you will receive an error message, and the message won’t be sent.

After the review is complete, the template should return to Approved status. However, there is a small chance that it could be Rejected. If a template gets rejected, you will need to edit it and submit it for review again. Attempting to send a rejected template will also generate an error message, and the message will not be sent.


  • Only templates with an APPROVED status are eligible for migration.
  • The quality ratings of templates will not be migrated.

Connecting phone numbers previously used in other Kommo WhatsApp Business platform integrations

In this connection flow, there will be no source merging option. So you will have to reconfigure your automations (bots and triggers), recreate your templates and new messages will appear in new chats.

To connect phone numbers previously used in other Kommo WhatsApp Business platform integrations to the WhatsApp Cloud API, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations > find the WhatsApp Cloud API widget.
  2. Before starting the connection process, you will be asked if you have used the number before. Click Yes, with Kommo WhatsApp integration > Next.

  1. You'll then be asked which Kommo integration you used. Choose Another WhatsApp Business Platform integration > Next.

  1. Start the connection process to WhatsApp Cloud API by clicking Continue with Facebook and following the instructions.

Migrating from another provider outside Kommo

If you're migrating from a different provider, please note that any templates, automations, bots, or history from your previous provider will not be transferred automatically. You'll need to create these elements in Kommo all over again, including creating and submitting templates to Meta for approval.

Here is what you need to do if you’re connecting a phone number that was used in another provider:

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations > find the WhatsApp Cloud API widget.
  2. Before starting the connection process, you will be asked if you have used the number before. Click Yes, with WhatsApp Business Platform integration (not Kommo) > Next.

  1. You will then be directed to Facebook to connect your Facebook account. Click Continue with Facebook and follow the instructions.

If you need more help with setup or troubleshooting, feel free to reach out to our support chat or contact us via WhatsApp. You can also hire a Kommo partner to do all the hard work for you.

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