
Webhooks is an important feature for integrations or for use with a back-end project so that you can interact with data between Kommo and another web-based application. In this article we will show both ways of creating webhooks and how to use them.

Webhook Trigger

To create a webhook trigger, please open your Digital Pipeline and click on any empty spot in the stage where you want to use a webhook, then select “Send a webhook”


You will then see a modal window open:


In this modal window you can select:

  • Conditions for which leads to run this trigger
  • When to execute the trigger
  • URL to send a webhook to

After everything is set up click done.

The webhook that you’ll receive will contain the following information:

  • Lead Field: ID of the lead, ID of the current lead stage, the ID of the pipeline and IDs for stage and pipeline where this lead used to be.
  • Account Field: subdomain of your account and ID of your account

Webhooks in Integrations

If you want to receive more precise information via webhook, it’s better to create Webhooks in the integrations section.

To start, go to Settings, then to the Integrations section of Kommo. In this section you have your integrations installed you’ll see button “Web hooks” please click on that, modal window will open:


Please click on “+ Add webhook”. You will need to indicate the URL that will receive this webhook and the event that will push this webhook

Events are:

  • Lead added, edited, deleted, restored, responsible user changed, status changed, note added each as separate event
  • Contact added, edited, deleted, restored, responsible user changed, note added each as separate event
  • Company added, edited, deleted, restored, responsible user changed, note added each as separate event
  • Task added, edited, deleted, responsible user changed each as separate event
  • Customer added, edited, deleted, responsible user changed, note added each as separate event
  • Incoming lead added, edited, deleted, each as separate event
  • Incoming message received
  • Added element, edited or deleted element for any of you list, each as separate event

You will receive full information on the event that you choose, when the event occurs, and you can choose multiple events to trigger, for example, let's take a look at Lead edited

As for webhook trigger you’ll receive information for two fields:

  • From lead field: ID of the lead, name, stage ID, previous stage ID, price, responsible user ID, last modified date, modified user ID, created user ID, date of creation, pipeline ID, tags of the lead with their IDs, and names, and which field was changed by ID name and how changed with new and old values
  • From account field: subdomain, ID and the link of your account

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