Notifications Center

The Notifications Center is the place where you can get all of the notifications about what is happening in your profile, such as new chats with clients, or a notification of a new task. You can also chat with your colleagues here or even make a group chat with them. You can access notification center by clicking on the bubble in left-bottom part of your screen.

With the right approach, a full workflow can be setup using the Notification Center. For example, you can see all of the tasks closed by your colleagues, see them reply to chats, or write a message to your colleague, all in the same interface.


Notification settings

You can change notification settings in your profile section of Kommo. This will allow you to tailor what kind of information you would like to receive and the channels preferred.

To access your profile, click on the profile picture at the top left side of the screen and then click on profile.


Here you will see your profile at the bottom section you will see Notification settings.


  • The email notifications are sent to the email you have listed in your profile.
  • The mobile notifications are shown on your mobile device, using the Kommo 2.0 app installed on your iOS/Android device.
  • The browser notifications are shown as a popup on the right side of the screen, and remain in the notification center (the button in the bottom left corner). Be sure to enable notifications for in your browser.
  • You can also add Telegram notifications by connecting your Telegram account to Kommo. To do that, press on + icon above “Receive notifications via Telegram” and connect your account.

Advanced Settings

  • Activity limits - In the Users settings of your system you can find the option Activity limits where you can set limits for users in regards to viewing leads or contact lists. If the limits are exceeded, the user will be deactivated and with this checked you will notified
  • Billing - With this checked you will get information about your subscription, for example if your subscription will expire soon.
  • Calls - With this checked you will get information about all new calls
  • Chat messages - With this checked you will get information about all new chat messages
  • Errors & other info - With this checked you will get information about errors that happened in your account, for example an automation that has been setup wrong or an email didn’t get delivered
  • Incoming emails - With this checked, you will get notification of every new email in your inbox of email that integrated with Kommo
  • Incoming leads - With this checked, you will get notification of every new incoming lead that arrives in your pipeline
  • Stripe - With this checked you will get a notification about Stripe activity that happens in your account, such as a payment.
  • Tasks: * Before the task - With this checked you will get a notification 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour before the task is due to be completed.

  • Tasks: The task you have set is expired - With this checked you will get a notification if the task that you set has expired
  • Tasks: The you set is completed - With this checked you will get a notification if the task that you set has been completed
  • Tasks: You have been assigned a new task - With this checked you will get a notification if a task has been assigned to you
  • Scheduled report - with this checked you will get an account activity report sent to you via email. Click “setup” to configure the information you would like to receive.

For email notifications, you can set them to be sent immediately or with a delay once per day, so you can make a useful report at the beginning of a day to understand workflow for a day fully or separate reports on different segments of the day.


Please note: A notification will not be sent when you set a new todo task for yourself.

Group Chat

By clicking + in your Notifications Center, you can create a Group Chat and choose which colleague will be added to the group chat. In this Group Chat, you can exchange messages with a group of people.


For example you can create a group of users “Sales Office” in Settings ---> Users and then create a group chat to message all of them in one group, instead of making announcements to everyone separately.


Working with chats

By default, new unread notifications in the Notification center will be at the top. This can be changed by clicking on the “Find user” field and un-checking the “show unread first”. The filter will then change to show everything based on time (new on top, old at the bottom).

Also each chat is assigned a unique conversation number, which is visible on the right-hand side of the chat feed.

Once you deem the conversation over, your representative can press on the conversation number and select the Close talk button. If you have the Net Promoter Score feature enabled, the chat conversation would be closed and the client is sent a message with a request to evaluate the service they received on a ten-point scale. If the evaluation score is too low, the responsible manager will be notified. Learn more in our Net Promoter Score article


Free Users

In Kommo, there is a limited rights user type: Free Users. A Free User has the ability to chat with other users of a Kommo account. For example, you can have your technical support specialist as a free user. Using the notification center, your salesperson can then chat with technical support to get assistance with answering a client inquiry.


As shown in this screenshot, a Free User can only see their profile and notification center.

You can exchange messages with Free users in notification center the same as with paid users, just click on user that you want to exchange messages with and start chatting.

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