Unified inbox

One app for all conversations

No more app switching, no more lost conversations — centralize all your business communications instantly

Keep your inbox messages in one place

Meet the inbox


brings together

in a single app,

where each client gets a






More than your average chatbot

Embed Salesbot directly into your workflow to assist you with everything from collecting client info to moving clients through your pipeline!

Create multiple pipelines for your needs

Managing multiple chat apps? With Kommo’s inbox, you can switch between your favorite messengers in one click.

Even more features

Check out more key features for building better connections with your clients

CRM pipeline

Banish chaos by organizing your clients in a board-like view that helps you see where to put your attention


Get more done with bots that can eliminate busywork, fast-track lead qualification and send follow-ups that keep you on your clients’ minds

Try Kommo free

Get started with your unified inbox now