Visited website

Have you ever wanted to reach out to potential clients right when they visit your website? With Kommo, you can setup automation for actions to occur just at the right moment

“When selected website is visited” is a Digital Pipeline automation trigger option. For example, you can create a task when the site is visited or send the lead to a different stage in your pipeline.

To set up this action, proceed to the Digital Pipeline by clicking Leads, then “Setup” at the top right section of Leads view. Within this setup view, you can create any trigger and use Execute: When selected website is visited.

You will see an additional window open where you will set the site url, then if you would like to record visit for all pages. Script code will be listed here, which you need to add to the body of your site.


The code function is called a Pixel, and it is used to register the fact that a client visited your website. Once the Pixel registers the visit of this exact client, it will run your automation trigger, simple as that! If you have “record for all pages” set up, it will be running for every corner of your site.

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