User permissions

October 18, 2024

Different users require access to different integrations or types of data. To manage this, Kommo offers customizable user roles and rights, which help control what different users can access within the account.

In this article you will learn about:

Important note: In October 2024, Kommo made some changes to how user permissions work, especially in the Deals and Leads sections. These changes help make it easier to control who can see and access certain information. Find the updates below:

Important updates on user permissions

More access for subscribed users

  • If a user is subscribed to a Deal or Customer, they can now see those, even if they don’t have access to the pipeline stage where they are. Before this change, stage permissions could block users from seeing something they were subscribed to, but that’s no longer the case.

Note: To subscribe to Deals or Customers, open the lead card needed, click Participants above the chatbox, and click Subscribe. To subscribe to a different user, click Add users and select the users needed.

Also, when you're subscribed to a lead, you'll get notifications about any updates or changes related to it.

Limits for users with restricted access

Users with limited access will have some restrictions, even if they are subscribed:

  • Custom fields in deals: Custom fields in deals will only be visible if the user has permission view the deal or the pipeline stage. If they don’t have access, they will not see custom fields.
  • Custom fields in contacts: Custom fields in contacts will only be visible if the user has permission to see contacts. If they don’t, the user will only see the contact’s name and picture.
  • Access to chats: Subscribed users can always access chats in the lead card, even if they don’t have access to the deal or contact.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact technical support for assistance.

Types of user roles

In Kommo, users can have different roles based on their job. The Administrator role has the most permissions and can see and control everything. Other roles can be created with limited permissions to fit the user's responsibilities.

The administrator type

The first user in your Kommo CRM account is automatically set as an Administrator.

Administrators play an important role and can perform the following tasks:

  • Add new users to the account.
  • Edit user details.
  • Disable or remove users.
  • Assign roles to other users.
  • Set permissions for other users.

Note: Any user can be given the Administrator role, and there’s no limit to how many users can have it.

Creating other user types

Kommo allows you to create custom user roles so each person has the right level of access based on their job. When setting up roles, think about what each user or team needs to do. For example: a sales manager might need full access to edit all leads, while a junior sales representative may only need access to the leads assigned to them.

How to set up user permissions in Kommo?

You can set user permissions when you add a new user or edit them later by going to Settings > Users and adjusting their permissions.

Here’s what you can control:

  • Actions: Permissions cover actions like creating, viewing, editing, deleting, or exporting data (leads, contacts, companies, etc.).

Permissions are color-coded to make it easy to set them up:

  • Red: Denied
  • Yellow/Orange: Access only if responsible for the item
  • Blue: Team-wide access
  • Green: Allowed

Example: If a user’s permissions are set to “If Responsible” for viewing or editing leads, they can only access the leads assigned to them. This is helpful for keeping sales reps focused on their own leads.

This is helpful if you want sales representatives to focus only on their own leads and not see those of their coworkers.

There are also some additional permissions you can set up at the bottom of that menu:

  • Special permissions by Pipeline Stage: Set permissions for different stages in your sales pipeline.
  • Field permissions: Control access to specific fields within lead cards.
  • Shared inbox: Manage access to the shared inbox for viewing emails.
  • Media access: Control access to messages that contain media (images, files, etc.).

At the top of the menu, you’ll see the Save as a Role button. This allows you to save your permission settings as a custom role. You can then assign this role to other users in the future.

Now, every new role will be visible in the same menu if needed later on:

Group access

Team-wide access is used for groups of users. When adding a new user, you could assign them to a group, such as a sales team, or a marketing one. Then, with team-wide access, you can segregate leads by the group.

For example, if a user is in the sales team group, with team-wide access the user could see all sales team pipelines, but they would not see the marketing team pipelines. Or, in this use case, the users in the marketing team could see all leads assigned to a user of the marketing team group, but they would not see the leads assigned to members of the sales team.

To set up team-wide access, select the settings needed and check the Team-wide access setting. Next, set up access to the right pipelines by either denying or allowing access to them. All pipelines are located at the end of the list:

To learn how to create groups, read our How to create groups article.

Technical user

If you choose to work with a Kommo partner, the partner will inquire if you need their assistance for account setup or configuration. If so, they’ll include this information in their order through the partner portal. As the admin of your Kommo account, you’ll need to manually add the partner as a regular user. This user will appear just like any other user, without any special indicators, and you can choose to make them an administrator if necessary.

Although they will be shown as a regular user or admin in your account, Kommo will internally recognize them as a partner. If your partnership ends, remember to delete their user account to avoid any confusion.

Note: Importantly, you won’t be charged for their user account. However, partners do charge for their services.

This feature facilitates smooth onboarding and setup processes for new clients, allowing our partners to provide hands-on assistance directly within the client's Kommo account.

To learn more about partners, read our Kommo partners article.

Need more help setting up or troubleshooting? Contact us by sending an email to or write to us via WhatsApp. You can also hire a Kommo partner to do all the hard work for you.

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