Kommo Partners

August 13, 2024

Kommo partners come from all kinds of backgrounds and expertise levels. The best part? Anyone can become a Kommo Partner and create extra income or expand their business and services! Whether you’re just starting your business or adding Kommo to other services you already offer, there are many ways you can earn as a Kommo Partner.

If you’re ready to unlock partner benefits and the ability to start earning with Kommo, we’ll show you everything you need to know to start your Partner journey.

In this article, you’ll learn:

Who is a Kommo Partner?

A Kommo Partner can be an individual or a business looking to build or grow their business by partnering with Kommo. Our Partners are often digital marketing agencies, business consultants, and entrepreneurs. Regardless of their background, our Partners play a crucial role in Kommo’s success.

Partners manage transactions with clients, pay for subscriptions at a discounted rate through the portal, and keep the difference as their commission. Their main responsibility is to bring new clients to Kommo. From each new sale, Partners earn a commission.

As a Partner, you are also responsible for providing basic support for your customers. This allows you to offer additional services like training and account setup at your own rates, creating further opportunities to increase your earnings.

When you become a Partner, you:

  • Earn a 35-50% commission on each sale as a Kommo partner, giving you a great opportunity to increase your income and expand your business. Earn a commission for each initial and resubscription sale you make in our Partner portal.
  • Provide Kommo customers with additional services such as training, account setup and customizations and earn based on your own fees.

How does the program work

The Kommo Partner Program is designed to be simple and effective. Here’s a quick overview:

  • You handle the transaction directly with your client.
  • Use the portal to pay for the subscription at a discounted rate.
  • The difference between what the client pays and the discounted rate is your commission.

Benefits for Partners and their clients

As a Kommo Partner, you get access to several benefits that can help you grow your business and provide excellent service to your clients.

Benefits for Partners

  • Receive 2 free months of an Enterprise subscription. This allows you to explore all the advanced features that Kommo offers without any cost.
  • Extend your Enterprise subscription based on your sales:

6 months after your first sale is completed in the Partner Portal.

2 months for sales to recurring customers.

Note: This only applies to sales made for new customers. For re-subscription payments, the maximum extension is 2 months.

The subscription is extended when your current one expires, not after each individual sale. For example, if you make your first sale to a new customer in January, you get 6 free months. If you make another sale in May, you can request an extension in June, and we will extend it from May based on the type of sale (new or recurring customer).

  • Get a special one-time welcome bonus with a 100% discount. Instead of the usual 35% commission, you receive the entire amount a client pays for their subscription. This order can cover up to 25 users, any subscription plan, and up to 12 months (plus one free month not included). This 100% discount does not count for the 6-month prolongation of the partner account and it cannot be used on a warm lead distributed by Kommo.

Note: A $1 fee is paid when completing this order. You can choose when to use this 100% discount.

  • Get access to promotional and learning materials. These resources help you market Kommo effectively and close sales. You can download ready-to-use social media content to promote your brand and attract clients.
  • Get listed on the Kommo website to increase your visibility and help potential clients find you more easily.
  • Participate in the Warm Leads Program, to receive requests from clients who need partner help. This gives you a steady stream of potential business.
  • Your commission rate will increase to 50% once your total sales through the Partner Portal reach $10,000. We only count the money from initial customer subscriptions toward the $10,000 target. Any payments from customers renewing their subscriptions will not be included in the calculation.

Benefits for your clients

If a client buys Kommo through you, they’ll get:

  • An extra free month of their Kommo subscription when they purchase through you. This exclusive offer makes it more attractive for clients to choose a partner instead of purchasing directly from Kommo. Please note, the extra month does not apply if the purchase is for additional users in a current subscription period.
  • Enable a free technical user in the account. This user has full rights and it is intended to be used for the partner to have access to the clients account and help them out when needed, without having to pay for an additional user

Rules and responsibilities

As a Kommo Partner, you have certain responsibilities to ensure a successful partnership:

  • Present Kommo truthfully: Always present Kommo truthfully and respectfully. Act as an ambassador for Kommo, making it clear that you are a separate entity.
  • Provide basic support: If a client makes a purchase through you, you are responsible to provide them with basic support and respond to their questions. If they contact Kommo support instead, multiple times, then they will be referred back to you. If issues are not resolved, the Kommo sales team may take over the lead or reassign it to another partner.
  • Charge standard prices: Charge clients the standard prices listed on Kommo’s pricing page. No discounts on licenses are allowed.
  • Offer a free month of subscription: Ensure clients receive one free month for any subscription period by purchasing through you.

If you need more help with setup or troubleshooting, feel free to reach out to our support chat or contact us via WhatsApp. You can also hire a Kommo partner to do all the hard work for you.

Not a user yet? Sign up for our 14-day free trial or book a free live demo.

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