Zendesk: Managing support requests in Kommo

With Zendesk, you can manage your customer support requests with ease. Receive queries through email, phone, and even Twitter. Support tickets made in Zendesk are visible in Kommo, so your team always knows if there is an issue they should be aware of. That way, you’re always ready to help your clients.

Do note: if you don’t have a Zendesk account yet, you can get started by reading this Zendesk article.

How to connect Zendesk to Kommo

Integrating Zendesk with Kommo is made in two sequences.

First sequence: you need to add Kommo app to your Zendesk account. To do that, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your zendesk.com account and go to the Admin panel
  2. Under Apps marketplace, find Kommo in the Zendesk app directory
zendesk integration

  1. Select your account and click the Install button

  1. Select the title for the app
  2. Enter your Kommo account domain’s full address. Example: https://yourcompany.kommo.com/
  3. Enter your login email used for this Kommo account
  4. Enter your Kommo account API hash(key). You can find it by going to your Kommo account, clicking on your profile picture (top left corner of your screen), and clicking Profile.
Zendesk 1

  1. Click Install

After that’s done, you have successfully installed Kommo app. Time to integrate Zendesk on Kommo’s end.

Second sequence: now you need to integrate Zendesk within your Kommo account. Follow these steps to do it:

  1. Proceed to your Kommo account the to Settings section and click Integrations
  2. Under Website integration subcategory, select Zendesk

  1. Create your Zendesk API key. To create an API token, proceed to your Zendesk Admin panel, and select API under the Channels category. Enable Token access and create an API token by pressing the + button.

  1. Copy and paste the token to the API key field in Kommo’s Zendesk integration window
  2. Enter the email address you use to login to your Zendesk account
  3. Enter just your Zendesk account subdomain. Example: use “yourcompany” from www.yourcompany.zendesk.com in your web address line.

  1. Click the Install button

And with that, the integration is complete. You will see the Installed icon next to the Uninstall button.

Can’t connect?

In case you can’t integrate Zendesk with Kommo and see the Disconnected button, make sure you’ve entered the API key, domain name and your email address properly. If the problem persists, please contact us at support@kommo.com.

How to use it

The integration’s functionality helps your team to attach tickets to leads and track them within the CRM’s interface. The ticket is associated with the email address of the contact attached to the lead.

To interact with the widget, open any lead card on your Kommo account and click on the Zendesk icon in the top right corner.

If there is no ticket yet, you can create it manually by pressing Create new ticket. Pressing this link will take you straight to Zendesk’s ticket creation.


If there is a ticket(s) associated with this contact, you will see it in the widget in a list form. The interface shows the date of the ticket creation, current status and the ticket number, as well as the link to it.


Need more help in setting up or troubleshooting? Contact us by sending an email to support@kommo.com or write to us on Facebook.

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