Duplicate control

The Duplicate control feature allows you to detect and deal with duplicated data coming from your incoming leads.

In this article you will learn:

How to enable Duplicate control

To activate the Duplicate control:

  1. Head over to Leads > Automate
  2. Turn on the Duplicate control switch on the left side.

Lead sources

You can also enable or disable the Duplicate control for every lead that is connected to your pipeline. To do this click on the ‘Set up rules’ in the Duplicate control box and enable or disable the feature for certain sources by switching the toggle.


If you switch off the toggle, when two similar duplicated leads come from that channel, they will not be merged. You will need to do it manually.

Note: Duplicate control works with standard integration. Not all third-party integration may be supported or they are supported partly. If the developer of third-party integration did not allow a duplicate control option, you don’t see it in the list of sources.

Duplicate control rules

In the next tab, you can configure the Duplicate control rules.


The first block you will find is Duplicate detention, where you will have to choose the methods to check for duplicated incoming leads.

  • BIG DATA - the search is performed using machine learning algorithms and Kommo data. For incoming requests from chats, BIG DATA will find duplicates and merge the new request with the current one. For requests from other channels, the BIG DATA check runs after the request has been added. The merge will occur if one of the duplicate entities appears in the Incoming Leads stage.

Note: The checking is also performed after updating an entity. The requirement for this is that one of the entities that is considered a duplicate must be in the incoming leads stage.

  • Tracking pixel - when this option is selected, the incoming parameters are checked for the presence of this pixel and the account is searched for leads that are associated with this pixel. The per-pixel check, at the moment, works only for new chat requests. The customer will get the pixel when interacting with the pages of your websites, if they have a Kommo form and CRM Plugin, also the user will get the pixel when browsing and writing to social network chats through the CRM Plugin.

Pixel tracking only works for applications from the CRM plugin/Kommo Engagement pages. That is, when the first request is received from the plugin, the system fixes the pixel, and with the next requests from the plugin (through other channels), the Kommo recognizes the client by the browser. Requests from the Kommo form are not tracked by Pixel tracking.

  • Match email addresses with leads in your pipeline - Selecting this option checks if the email is present in the contact data transmitted with the lead and will attempt to find contacts with this email and related leads in the account, where this email is the primary contact.
  • Match phone numbers with leads in your pipeline - T he phone number found in the contacts of the lead will be matched with other leads in the account where this number is added as a main contact.

It is important to note that phone numbers are searched in an international format. If a number in a national format is entered, the search may not be performed or may not be performed correctly.

Note: A phone number in full international format includes a plus sign (+) followed by the country code, city code, and local phone number.

  • Add field - You also have an option to add fields of your lead which will be matched every time a new lead or contact is added. If the system finds doubles of this field, they will be merged. For contacts, they will be merged only if the duplicated contact is added as a primary contact of the lead.

Note: You can choose only numeric or text fields for this option.


  • Pipeline and stage to search for duplicate - it is possible to select in which sales pipelines and states the checking of new requests against the current database will be performed. Leads that are not in the specified state will not participate in the information comparison when adding the lead to Kommo.
  • When duplicates contain conflicting data - this block is used to set the behavior in case of parameter conflict. There are two options available for selection:
  1. Update the existing lead with new data - When you select this option, if a duplicate is detected and there is data, the existing lead will be updated with the incoming lead’s information. The Phone and Email fields will be updated with the new information.
  2. Do not change the data in the existing lead - If this option is selected, when a duplicate is found and there is a conflict between new and current data, the existing lead will not be modified.
  • When 2 or more leads match the incoming lead - if there are up to 3 duplicates found, you can choose one of the following behaviors:
  1. Update all leads - if you select this option, all duplicates will be updated according to the "When duplicates contain conflicting data" parameters.
  2. Update the newest lead - the last created duplicate will be updated according to the "When duplicates contain conflicting data" parameters.
  3. Create a new lead - if you select this option, a new lead will be created.

Note: If more than 3 duplicates are found, no merge will be performed.


  • After merging - select this option to create a task after performing an update. The task will be created in the leads found when searching for duplicates. If more than 3 leads were found, the duplicate control will ignore that incoming request.

Note: A note about merge is added only to leads that have been merged based on BIG DATA and Pixel tracking.

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