Kommo.com takes advantage of some of the highest rated security software available today. This is so our customers can shop with ease and not worry about identity theft or fraudulent charges.
Kommo.com may update this policy at any time. You may always view the most current version by clicking the following link, https://www.kommo.com/security/ to make sure you’re up-to-date and familiar with our most current policy. Your continued use of this site and its services constitutes your agreement and acceptance of said changes, if and when they occur.
Your safety and the safety of the information you put onto our site is one of Kommo.com’s highest priorities and biggest concerns. That’s why we use Deluxe SSL to protect you and your information while you’re on our site. Starfield Technologies ensures secure communication by encrypting all data to and from the site in an effort to make sure that your sensitive information stays secure, and out of the hands of hackers and criminals. All transmitted data between your browser and the server is protected by a security certificate SSL 256-bit encryption mechanism which prevents unauthorized access to packets transmitted between your computer and Kommo. Starfield Technologies also uses the strongest identity authentication standard available on the market today.
Our system automatically and securely backs up all your data every few hours. This means that it can be immediately restored if there’s a server problem. In other words, once something is on Kommo, it’s on there until you delete it.
User sessions are saved in a special database and are assigned a new session ID every few minutes. This makes stealing the sessions useless since the session ID won’t work by the time they get it.