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The Mercado Libre integration makes managing sales in Kommo easier.

Mercado Libre Integration

The Mercado Libre integration makes managing sales in Kommo easier with these features:

  • Automatically create leads when purchases are made.
  • Use dedicated pipeline stages for Mercado Libre leads (e.g., Paid, Canceled, Payment Required).
  • Sync customer data between Mercado Libre and Kommo.
  • Keep all communication and sales history in one place.

❤️ Why do Kommo users love Mercado Libre?

Mercado Libre is the largest online marketplace in Latin America, and integrating it with Kommo allows businesses to automate lead handling, improving efficiency and ensuring no sales opportunity is missed.

❤️ Why do Mercado Libre users love Kommo?

With Kommo, Mercado Libre sellers can automate sales processes, centralize customer interactions, and streamline lead management, making it easier to manage inquiries and track purchases.

🤜🤛 Mercado Libre and Kommo - better together

By combining Kommo with Mercado Libre, you get a more organized and automated sales process. Leads are automatically created in the sales pipeline when customers make a purchase, and you can easily manage every step of the sales journey in one place. Let Kommo handle your lead creation, status updates, and communication automatically, so you can focus on growing your business.

💡 Cool ways to use Mercado Libre and Kommo

With this integration, you can set up automatic pipeline stages based on payment statuses, like 'Paid' or 'Payment in Process.' When a lead moves to a specific stage, Kommo will track all relevant information, including tags like 'Paid' or 'Not Delivered,' and update the lead card with customer details. Communicate seamlessly with your customers directly through Kommo, and manage everything in one place.

How to connect Mercado Libre 🔌

Installing the Mercado Libre integration is easy and takes just a few steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations in Kommo.
  2. Search for Mercado Libre and click Install.
  3. Agree to the privacy policy and click +Install.
  4. Follow the instructions on how to finish the setup by reading our complete guide on the Mercado Libre integration.

⚒️ What do you need?

  • A Mercado Libre account.
  • Any Kommo subscription plan (Base, Advanced, or Enterprise).