Save number and Incoming lead

When a call with a number with which there is no linked entity in the system happens

Save number

In the call notification, the link requests a method url contacts/add that takes the phone number as an argument in order to create a client with this number. This is implemented in the frontend of the integration.


URL contacts/add


Parameter Description
phone The phone number for which we want to add a contact


The result is a window to create a new contact.


To process saving contact, you can use the same code we used to provide a notification, and add the part where the call comes from an unknown number.


add_call_notify = function(data){
var w_name = self.i18n('widget').name,
	lang = self.i18n('settings'),
	n_data = {
		from: data.from,
		duration: data.duration,
		text: w_name + ': ' + data.text,
		element: data.element
	/* Check if there is an incoming caller’s contact id in the system */
	if ( > 0){     
		//If there is an already existing id , create a link for this contact in Kommo
		text = 'Call from '' Go to the contact card';
		n_data.text = text;
		n_data.from = data.from;
		if (n_data.from.length < 4){   
			//Check for an internal number
			n_data.header = 'Internal number: '+data.from+';
		else {
			n_data.header = 'Incoming call: '+data.from+';
	} else { //If the ID does not exist, we form a link to create a new contact
                text = '<a href="/contacts/?phone=' + data.from + '">Create contact</a>';
                n_data.text = text; 
                n_data.header = 'Incoming call ' + data.from;

Create incoming lead

In Kommo, there is the «Incoming lead» entity that initiates contact through managers’ connected channels like VoIP integrations which are considered as a Lead source.

Incoming calls from unknown numbers should appear in the “Incoming leads” column as a card with the phone number, the manager who took the call, the call date and time, the duration of the call with a link to download the call recording, and by pressing on the player icon manager can listen to it.


When adding the incoming lead, a call status and result can be specified. The manager also can add a task at a specified time either in the call result window if it’s implemented or in the incoming lead’s feed.

Within the creation of the incoming lead from a call, the contact and company will be ready to be automatically added to the system and linked to the incoming lead. That means they will be shown in gray color. Also the call and the task will be added to the system and linked to the generated (incoming) lead.

When the manager accepts the incoming lead, either by choosing to accept it or by dragging and dropping it in one of the pipeline’s lead stages, a lead and a contact or a company are created.

If the incoming lead is declined, it will disappear from the “Incoming leads”, all information about the call will disappear as well, that includes the lead, the call, the contact, the company and the task.


Example of adding calls to the “Incoming leads”

Method URL

POST /api/v4/leads/unsorted/sip

Authorization type

OAuth 2.0 with Access Token. Review our Step-by-step Example.


Content-Type: application/json

Example of a request body

        "request_id": "123",
        "source_name": "BB Co.",
        "source_uid": "a1fee7c0fc436088e64ba2e8822ba2b3",
        "pipeline_id": 5597036,
        "created_at": 1666110634,
        "_embedded": {
            "leads": [
                    "name": "Tech maintenance",
                    "price": 5500,
                    "_embedded": {
                        "tags": [
                                "id": 263809
            "contacts": [
                    "name": "TECH man"
            "companies": [
                    "name": "BB Co."
        "metadata": {
           "uniq": "a1fe231cc88e64ba2e8822ba2b3eqeq",
           "duration": 70,
           "service_code": "CkAvbEwPam6sad",
           "link": "",
           "phone": 1234567891,
           "called_at": 1666110534,
           "from": 8375357,
           "call_result":"Sale on Monday",
           "is_call_event_needed": true,
           "category": "sip"


Parameter Type Description
request_id string The field that will be returned unchanged in the response and will not be saved. Is not a mandatory field
source_name required string Incoming lead source name
source_uid required string Incoming lead source UID. The integration should generate it.
pipeline_id int The ID of the pipeline the incoming lead will be added to. If this parameter is not sent then the incoming lead will be added to the first pipeline
created_at timestamp Incoming lead creation date in the format of Unix Timestamp
incoming_lead_info array An array that contains an incoming lead data
_embedded required array An array that contains created entities elements data. It’s required because when an incoming lead is accepted, the corresponding element of the entity will be created.
_embedded/leads array An array that contains the data for creating a new lead. It may contain all parameters and custom fields that are available for “Leads” in the account.
_embedded/contacts array An array that contains the data for creating a new contact. It may contain all parameters and custom fields that are available for “Contacts” in the account.
_embedded/companies array An array that contains the data for creating a new company. It may contain all parameters and custom fields that are available for “Companies” in the account.
metadata/is_call_event_needed boolean A boolean indicates if the call event will be added to the entity card. “true” for yes.
metadata/uniq int Identifier for the event
metadata/duration required int Call duration
metadata/service_code required string Service provider code
metadata/called_at required timestamp Call date in the format of Unix Timestamp
metadata/link required string A link to the call recording
metadata/phone required string The phone number with which the call happened
metadata/uniq required string Unique call code
metadata/from required string Call initiator. If you add the manager id, the manager name will be shown
metadata/call_status int The status of the call
metadata/call_result string Note about the call
metadata/category string “sip” for call

Response example

    "_total_items": 1,
    "_embedded": {
        "unsorted": [
                "uid": "308be4de3c941e759612f831f523fe7c553922785384767544ab169182b8",
                "account_id": 30285908,
                "request_id": "123",
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": ""
                "_embedded": {
                    "contacts": [
                            "id": 9013064,
                            "_links": {
                                "self": {
                                    "href": ""
                    "leads": [
                            "id": 6872526,
                            "_links": {
                                "self": {
                                    "href": ""
                    "companies": []